УДК 316.422:553.981.2:004.896
(UDK 316.422:553.981.2:004.896)
The article discusses the basics of digital transformation and its advantages when implementing activities proposed by academic institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences within integrated science and technology programs of full innovation cycle for the petroleum industry. It also considers development indicators, possible risks of digitalization program implementation, and the consequences of its rejection. The research primarily aims to create and implement digital modeling technologies and develop computation platforms and digital twins of reservoirs, wells, gas gathering networks, gas treatment and transportation facilities to ensure the digital leadership of Russian production companies on the global market. The novelty of the expected results, services, and technologies lies in the first-time proposed domestic program based on the technologies previously implemented within the state development plans using innovative solutions with limited funding. We provide some examples of implementation and problem solutions according to the program named “Digital and Technical Upgrade of the World’s Largest Oil & Gas Production Center, Western Siberian [Zapadno-Sibirskiy], under Decarbonization Conditions” developed at the leading participation of Oil and Gas Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The activities represent a combination of interrelated scientific, scientific-and-technical, digital solutions and innovative technologies with coordinated timelines and objectives to reach the set goal: digital and technical upgrade of the Western Siberian oil and gas production center. The implementation of development programs makes it possible to form the basis for digital and technological leadership in the oil and gas industry, create a fund of high-tech wells, ensure an annual increase in hydrocarbon reserves and synchronize the development of the resource base with the development of the oil refining and chemical complex of Russia.
А.Н. Дмитриевский, д.г.-м.н., проф., акад. РАН, ФГБУН Институт проблем нефти и газа Российской академии наук (Москва, Россия), a.dmitrievsky@ipng.ru
Н.А. Еремин, д.т.н., проф., ФГАОУ ВО «Российский государственный университет нефти и газа (национальный исследовательский университет) имени И.М. Губкина» (Москва, Россия), ФГБУН Институт проблем нефти и газа Российской академии наук, ermn@mail.ru
В.Е. Столяров, ФГБУН Институт проблем нефти и газа Российской академии наук, bes60@rambler.ru
A.N. Dmitrievsky, DSc in Geology and Mineralogy, Professor, Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Oil and Gas Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences [Institut problem nefti i gaza Rossijskoj akademii nauk] (Moscow, Russia), a.dmitrievsky@ipng.ru
N.A. Eremin, DSc in Engineering, Professor, National University of Oil and Gas “Gubkin University” (Moscow, Russia), Oil and Gas Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, ermn@mail.ru
V.Ye. Stolyarov, Oil and Gas Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, bes60@rambler.ru
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