УДК 532.529.5:622.279
(UDK 532.529.5:622.279)
The article opens a series of papers dedicated to the advantages and disadvantages of PVT simulation methods in the substantiation of the reservoir fluid properties. This line of study is becoming urgent with the methods being increasingly suggested to complete the limited experimental data for the substantiation of reservoir fluid properties. Among the most commonly used methods, there are approaches allowing to identify the true fluid properties at initial reservoir conditions with acceptable accuracy even when the initial data volume is limited. This way, these approaches reduce the errors in reserve estimation and pool development design. That being said, our practical experience shows that the simulation can lead to significant errors in some cases. The matter is especially important when PVT simulation results not only conflict with the data for similar formations but also the actual sample test results, and the engineer has no regulation to prioritize one method over another, which results in wrong decisions. The article is dedicated to one of the application lines of PVT simulation, whose results we consider highly uncertain: estimating the composition and properties of a phase in a two-phase pool using a fluid model set on the other phase’s test data. We present specific examples and evaluate the probabilities of errors occurring as a result of using the method. We also give recommendations on when using the method can be justified and when it is more feasible to disregard the calculation results.
Е.А. Громова, к.т.н., ООО «Тюменский нефтяной научный центр» (Тюмень, Россия), eagromova@tnnc.rosneft.ru
Е.А. Рейтблат, ООО «Тюменский нефтяной научный центр», eareitblat@tnnc.rosneft.ru
С.А. Заночуев, к.т.н., ООО «Тюменский нефтяной научный центр», sazanochuev@tnnc.rosneft.ru
E.A. Gromova, PhD in Engineering, Tyumen Oil Research Center LLC (Tyumen, Russia), eagromova@tnnc.rosneft.ru
E.A. Reitblat, Tyumen Oil Research Center LLC, eareitblat@tnnc.rosneft.ru
S.A. Zanochuev, PhD in Engineering, Tyumen Oil Research Center LLC, sazanochuev@tnnc.rosneft.ru
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