УДК 622.24.053:004.942
(UDK 622.24.053:004.942)
Precise analytical solutions for calculation of a drill string stress-strain state during offshore operations considering its deadweight under kinematic impact are known to face substantial mathematical challenges, as well as to be quite inconvenient in practice. This is demonstrated, for example, in well-known papers by A.Ye. Saroyan, A.N. Papusha, and other authors. As a result, development of a sufficiently simple and reliable method for calculation of drill string behaviour during offshore operations in rolling conditions is still relevant today. This paper proposes an authentic approximate method to calculate drill string stress-strain state in drilling platform rolling conditions, taking into account vertical loads. At first, using known conventional methods of structural mechanics, we determine the shape of the string’s deflected axis caused by kinematic impact only and represented as an angle of rotation of the string’s upper section, without taking into account the force impacts. Then, based on the obtained horizontal displacements, we determine additional bending moments in the drill string pin caused by its deadweight and longitudinal tensile force in the wellhead. This is solved using the approximate differential equation for the pin’s deflected axis. It means that the horizontal displacements are considered to be reasonably minor compared to the depth of the water area. The differential equation has a closed analytical solution, and does not require significant computational efforts. Therefore, the method proposed to calculate drill string behaviour during offshore operations is highly practical for application in design of such structures.
А.А. Котов, к.т.н., ФГАОУ ВО «Мурманский государственный технический университет» (Мурманск, Россия), kotovaa@mstu.edu.ru
Б.А. Коротаев, доцент, ФГАОУ ВО «Мурманский государственный технический университет», korotaevba@mstu.edu.ru
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