УДК 624.139.2:622.245.1
(UD 624.139.2:622.245.1)
Geological and engineering challenges, accidents, and deformations of oil, gas, and gas condensate wells, such as collapse of casing and tubing strings, their eccentricity with fit, deflection of Christmas trees, buckling of well supports and formation of wellhead craters due to thawing of permafrost, are quite common in the fields of the Far North. Thus, assessment of such risks is critical for front-end engineering design and detailed design, as well as for the construction. This article introduces express method of risk analysis and probability assessment regarding deformation of oil, gas, and gas condensate well structures located in permafrost regions. It was developed by the authors based on the field evidence collected and summarized, permafrost thawing estimates, and deformation cause study. The express method proposed was successfully tested during design of new production wells at several fields, as well as during quality assessment of supports at existing sites. The paper contains examples of rapid analysis and risk assessment for specific fields in the Far North. It is concluded that this method complies with the requirements of regulatory documents and, therefore, is suitable for front-end engineering and detailed design of well structures, as well as for substantiation of the distance between the wells of a well pad.
S.A. Korotkov, PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor, OOO SibGeoProyekt (limited liability company) (Tyumen, Russia), korotkov@sibgeoproject.ru
O.V. Spirina, PhD in Geology and Mineralogy, OOO SibGeoProyekt, spirina@sibgeoproject.ru
V.P. Ovchinnikov, DSc in Engineering, Professor, Industrial University of Tyumen (Tyumen, Russia), ovchinnikovvp@tyuiu.ru
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