УДК 628.3::622.276.43
(UDK 628.3::622.276.43)
Oil and gas fields always produce formation wastewater to be disposed of. Initially, the easiest solution was to pump it into evaporation ponds. Later, it became evident that toxic formation wastewaters, over time and for various reasons, reach the soil, infiltrate along with various fluids (including atmospheric precipitation) and ingress into the groundwater. This leads to contamination of the latter with harmful substances. As a consequence, it is impossible to use such groundwater for household needs. As a result, it was concluded that the best option for disposal of formation wastewater is its reinjection into the formation to maintain reservoir pressure. The paper describes criteria for selecting a particular method of formation wastewater disposal. It should be noted that there are many possible options, but it is important to consider that any engineering solution is to be financially feasible. Best option selection is the challenge of any project. The paper lists methods of formation wastewater disposal both with and without acidic components (H2S, CO2). Existing processes, and solutions proposed by the authors are given as examples. We have also specified basic dependences of H2S and СО2 solubility in water in relation to its pH and temperature. This paper
is aimed at promoting cost-effective methods of formation wastewater disposal based on the available scientific data.
M.Sh. Arabov, PhD in Chemistry, Associate Professor, Astrakhan State Technical University (Astrakhan, Russia), arabov57@mail.ru
Z.M. Arabova, PhD in Engineering, Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia), zarema.polymer@gmail.com
Yu.A. Alyautdinova, PhD in Engineering, Astrakhan State Technical University, alautd@mail.ru
P.A. Saadati, Astrakhan State Technical University, peyvand@inbox.ru
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