УДК 550.832.75:622.245.1
(UDK 550.832.75:622.245.1)
The article briefly overviews the current state of electromagnetic flaw detection and thickness gauging of casing and tubing in multistring wells. It is specifically noted that AO NPP VNIIGIS ( joint-stock company scientific production enterprise) and Scientific and Production Firm JSC GITAS have developed an instrument named MID-4 that allows for technical evaluation of four strings. In 2021, GITAS completed the development of the MID-SM5 instrument on the assignment of PJSC Gazprom. The article considers its application experience in multistring well surveying. The instrument’s sensitivity is evaluated based on the measurement results obtained on physical models simulating various flaws in the third, fourth, and fifth strings. Radial probing and azimuthal scanning are shown to be possible in large-diameter pipes (up to 610 mm) serving as the outer casing for three-, four-, and five-string models.
To interpret the measurement results for the multistring wells, we developed the DeViz-SM5 system, which includes a string thickness determination algorithm based on mathematical modeling and an iterative solver. Measurements were made in certified three- to five-string well models to evaluate the system operability and wall thickness calculation error. It is shown that the maximum absolute error for the five-string model does not exceed 1.4 mm at a total wall thickness of 43 mm.
Transient electromagnetic flaw detection technology has been used for multistring well surveys in Russia and the Middle East. The paper provides some technical evaluation results for wells. It also shows the possibility to detect string integrity faults in the wellhead area.
A.P. Potapov, PhD in Engineering, JSC Production Enterprise Research and Design Institute of Well Logging (Oktyabrsky, Russia), potapov-57@bk.ru
V.N. Danilenko, PhD in Engineering, Scientific and Production Firm JSC Geophysical Research, Design, and Production of Well Logging Equipment, Services in Well Logging (Oktyabrsky, Russia), danilenko@gitas.ru
V.V. Danilenko, PhD in Engineering, JSC Production Enterprise Research and Design Institute of Well Logging, vl.danilenko@gitas.ru
G.I. Golovatskaya, JSC Production Enterprise Research and Design Institute of Well Logging, gulgran@yandex.ru
R.R. Kuybyshev, JSC Production Enterprise Research and Design Institute of Well Logging, rus-422@mail.ru
A.A. Isaeva, JSC Production Enterprise Research and Design Institute of Well Logging, phashutdinova@mail.ru
V.I. Shamshin, PhD in Engineering, PJSC Gazprom (Saint Petersburg, Russia), V.shamshin@adm.gazprom.ru
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