УДК 622.245.422.4
(UDK 622.245.422.4)
Use of rotary pulse apparatus for mechanical activation of liquid
media during preparation of cementing slurries is an important area of
research aimed at increasing efficiency and quality of petroleum well
plugging. The paper reviews the effect of mechanical activation of
multipurpose compound additive on cementing slurries’ properties,
increase of set cement strength, and life cycle of petroleum wells.
advantages and feasibility of this method for preparing the cementing
slurries are obvious and are based on fundamental theoretical
investigations and evidence resulting from practical application.
However, nowadays, exposure of liquid media to wave action is not widely
implemented to improve their physical and mechanical properties and
surface activity. Based on the results of the research, we have found
solutions on how to use mechanically activated media for preparation of
cementing slurries and subsequent plugging of petroleum wells. It is
proposed the method of preliminary mechanical activation of multipurpose
compound additive to increase its plasticising properties and surface
activity while ensuring the highest hydration of cement particles.
study was aimed at determining optimal parameters for mechanical
activation of SMODK-M liquid additive at different rotor speeds and wave
exposure times. These findings have scientific novelty and practical
relevance. This is confirmed by the fact that exposure to wave action
during mechanical activation of the additive resulted in higher
plasticisation of cementing slurries, increased time of cement hydration
and, consequently, 33–42 % increase in set cement strength as compared
to the reference sample. The optimal characteristics of cementing slurry
in terms of density, water separation, and spread rate were observed
within 3600 to 4000 rpm range of rotary pulse apparatus speed at 0.3–0.4
wt. % content of the additive.
I.V. Polyakov, Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia), polyakovigor009@gmail.ru
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