УДК 614.8.013::331.45::621.644.074
(UDK 614.8.013::331.45::621.644.074)
It is extremely challenging to overhaul submerged sections of main gas pipelines while ensuring high quality and maximum safety of the participants, provided that the latter are highly qualified. The purpose of this study is to present scientific and engineering documents for routine and overhaul repair of submerged crossings, occupational safety requirements in the form of methodical instructions that serve as tools for development of professional competence. The scientific novelty is achieved due to the use of visual didactic tools and methods, as well as digital technologies, during training of the personnel employed in the overhaul of submerged crossings of main gas pipelines. Traditions and innovations form the methodological basis of the study. This includes applying the best practices of regulatory, engineering, and procedural resources as didactic tools for professional training supplemented by a graphic component (process flowcharts) with advanced visualization tools.
The study involved developing informational and methodological digital tools to support management and production processes and occupational safety during overhaul of submerged crossings of main pipelines based on virtual 3D models of production sites. The graphic component of the study results is a dedicated visual environment for professional training and the related social interaction, which facilitates the creation of visual images and concepts as the basic elements of the learning process, as well as promotes cognitive activities. The proposed graphic component covers both work management and procedures, as well as occupational safety requirements and parameters, and acts as the basics of technical safety for the relevant operations. These results of the study are applicable as informational and methodological tools to support the system of professional competence formation for all managing and executing parties involved in the overhaul of submerged main gas pipeline crossings.
M.N. Badrutdinov, PhD in Education, Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering (Kazan, Russia), badrutdinovm@gmail.com
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