УДК 332.15::621.644::662.769.2
(UDK 332.15::621.644::662.769.2)
The paper reviews the complex of current technical and economic, regulatory, and contractual aspects of the pipeline logistics of hydrogen. Due to the comprehensive character of the subject, the paper is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on technical and economic aspects of the pipeline logistics of hydrogen. The second part will be focused on regulatory and contractual aspects.
The first part systematizes and reviews currently relevant potential hydrogen pipeline logistics schemes based on the international practices of hydrogen pipeline operation, and proposes principles to be observed when selecting logistics systems for future projects. Taking into account the existing process risks associated with pipeline elements’ exposure to hydrogen, the paper raises the technical dilemma related to possibility of pipeline transportation of hydrogen and sets forth the current status of the issue. Based on the analysis of a number of initiatives aimed at creation of hydrogen transportation infrastructure, the authors outlined approaches to planning for its emergence and development.
A.A. Krutko, Gazprom export LLC (Saint Petersburg, Russia), a.krutko@gazpromexport.gazprom.ru
D.A. Skokov, Gazprom export LLC, d.skokov@gazpromexport.gazprom.ru
E.A. Koloshkin, Gazprom export LLC, e.koloshkin@gazpromexport.gazprom.ru
A.I. Afonina, Gazprom export LLC, a.afonina@gazpromexport.gazprom.ru
V.A. Mazilov, Gazprom export LLC, v.mazilov@gazpromexport.gazprom.ru
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