УДК 62-186::622.691.4
(UDK 62-186::622.691.4)
Experience in parametric diagnostics of gas pumping units has revealed certain drawbacks that do not allow to objectively assess the changes in the equipment technical condition during operation, calculated according to the current regulatory documentation. An ideology behind the primary tool for assessment of equipment status on the basis of thermal technical parameters implies collection of large volumes of the unit status information through monitoring of several parameters.
However, implementation of this tool in practice reduces the informative value of the status parameters to be determined to a minimum. Analysis of the results of parametric diagnostics identified a variety of challenges throughout this type of diagnostics application cycle. At the same time, we can discern a way to resolve the existing problems. Given the significant potential of parametric diagnostics, both to ensure energy-efficient operation of major process equipment, and in general to improve its performance level, the task of improving this tool becomes rather relevant. The article presents the challenges on this path, as well as Gazprom transgaz Moscow LLC proposals for overcoming them.
E.A. Smirnov, Gazprom transgaz Moscow LLC (Moscow, Russia), E.Smirnov@gtm.gazprom.ru
Yu.Yu. Tolstikhin, Gazprom transgaz Moscow LLC, Tolstichin@gtm.gazprom.ru
A.V. Shishov, Engineering and Technical Center, branch of Gazprom transgaz Moscow LLC (Moscow, Russia), A.Shishov@gtm.gazprom.ru
V.A. Baukin, Engineering and Technical Center, branch of Gazprom transgaz Moscow LLC, V.Baukin@gtm.gazprom.ru
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