УДК 622.691.4::661.971
(UDK 622.691.4::661.971)
Carbon dioxide emission is one of the main environmental problems of modern era. Various programs aimed to address it are being developed both at the international level and by individual countries. This article features an analysis of thermobaric properties of carbon dioxide during its pipeline transportation in different phase states. Optimal conditions for CO2 pipeline transportation were studied using simulation of compression and transportation processes. The article describes the effect of impurities on physical and chemical properties of this gas. It also describes the processes taking place when the throttling effect occurs. Special aspects of safe operation of pipelines transporting carbon dioxide were analyzed. The article contains an assessment of high CO2 concentrations impact on humans and the environment. International experience in the design and operation of carbon dioxide pipelines is also discussed herein. The article defines and describes the main requirements for structural design of linear facilities that may become a basis for a regulatory base to support design, construction, and operation of pipelines intended for carbon dioxide transportation in Russia. The guidelines developed within this study will potentially improve the efficiency of decarbonization projects’ implementation.
S.A. Vershinin, LLC Gazpromneft Science & Technology Centre (Tyumen, Russia), Vershinin.SA@gazpromneft-ntc.ru
A.N. Blyablyas, LLC Gazpromneft Science & Technology Centre, Blyablyas.AN@gazpromneft-ntc.ru
D.A. Golovanov, LLC Gazpromneft Science & Technology Centre, Golovanov.DA@gazpromneft-ntc.ru
M.A. Popov, LLC Gazpromneft Science & Technology Centre, Popov.MAleks@gazpromneft-ntc.ru
E.A. Khlopotova, LLC Gazpromneft Science & Technology Centre, Khlopotova.EA@gazpromneft-ntc.ru
A.S. Kazakova, AO Gazpromneft Noyabrskneftegaz (joint-stock company) (Noyabrsk, Russia), Kazakova.ASe@gazprom-neft.ru
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