УДК 622.691.24:622.691.4
(UDK 622.691.24:622.691.4)
Development of the Unified Gas Supply System of Russia, increasing unevenness of gas consumption, and its distribution patterns during the autumn and winter period require the underground gas storage facilities to maintain the maximum possible capacity. There is another important indicator, along with the value of the maximum daily capacity at the beginning of the extraction season: the value of this parameter as of 1 February. Operating experience shows that the period from February to April is the most tense for underground gas storage facilities, since by this time gas reserves in underground gas storage facilities are decreasing, resulting in lower reservoir pressures and possible maximum daily capacity. To increase the latter, the pressure difference between the productive reservoir and the main gas pipeline should be increased. At the same time, an operational gas reserve should be provided in the gas transmission system in the periods prior to the peak of gas consumption. As a consequence, the pressure in the main gas pipelines increases. Given this situation, the only solution for maximizing possible underground gas storage facility’s capacity is compressor boosting, or compressor extraction.
The article presents the experience of using this technology at underground gas storage facilities in the 2020/21 season, featuring the highest extraction volume in the history of the Russian gas industry. The actual values of the daily capacity are given as compared to similar indicators achieved in the extraction without gas pumping units. Taking into account the implementation of the Russian underground gas storage system development program, the outcomes of the application of this technology at the facilities to be reconstructed are forecasted.
S.A. Khan, PhD in Engineering, PJSC Gazprom (Saint Petersburg, Russia), S.Khan@adm.gazprom.ru
G.S. Golod, PhD in Engineering, Gazprom UGS LLC (Saint Petersburg, Russia), G.Golod@phg.gazprom.ru
S.V. Belenko, Gazprom UGS LLC, S.Belenko@phg.gazprom.ru
A.S. Sergeev, Gazprom UGS LLC, A.Sergeev@phg.gazprom.ru
S.V. Chernomyrdin, Gazprom UGS LLC, S.Chernomyrdin@phg.gazprom.ru
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