УДК 661.961:662.769.2
(UDK 661.961:662.769.2)
One of the world’s priorities in the field of energy is the development of technologies for obtaining, storing, and transporting hydrogen. This is due to the fact that this energy source is becoming increasingly popular in connection with the modern climate agenda, and therefore there is a steady demand for these technical solutions.
This article presents an authors’ analysis of the world’s patented technologies for producing and storing hydrogen. The experience of evaluating the effectiveness of the use of patented hydrogen production technologies in the USA, China, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, and the countries of the European Union is considered. At the same time, the technical solutions' development is aimed at reducing the cost of hydrogen production technologies. Technical solutions aimed at obtaining purified hydrogen from natural gas are being actively developed in Russia. With an increase in demand for hydrogen and, as a consequence, the need to cover the peak unevenness of hydrogen consumption, it is necessary to create a network of underground storage facilities for hydrogen or hydrogen and methane mixtures. As a result, the need for the development and improvement of technologies for the storage of hydrogen and hydrogen and methane mixtures was noted.
S.A. Khan, PhD in Engineering, PJSC Gazprom (Saint Petersburg, Russia), S.Khan@adm.gazprom.ru
S.E. Averkiev, Eurasian Patent Organization (Moscow, Russia), SAverkiev@eapo.org
V.G. Dorokhin, PhD in Engineering, Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC (Moscow, Russia), V_Dorokhin@vniigaz.gazprom.ru
K.A. Butov, PhD in Engineering, PJSC Gazprom, K.Butov@adm.gazprom.ru
V.Yu. Khvostova, Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC, V_Khvostova@vniigaz.gazprom.ru
K.V. Dorokhina, Eurasian Patent Organization, KDorokhina@eapo.org
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