Russian underground gas storage facilities’ network is aimed at enhancing the reliability of the Russian gas transmission system and ensuring sustainable and stable supplies of gas to Russian consumers. Innovative technologies for gas storage operation developed by the National University of Oil and Gas “Gubkin University” under supervision of PJSC Gazprom Department (V.A. Mikhalenko) and implemented by unified gas storage system operator Gazprom UGS LLC play a significant role in addressing this important challenge.
The article outlines brief generalized statements of actual process-related challenges to be resolved by methods of physical and chemical mechanics of fluids. The paper describes the way to implement proprietary method of creating an extended intrareservoir screen of dispersed systems for underground gas storing in aquifers, including assessment of the method feasibility.
M.F. Karimov, DSc in Engineering, Professor, National University of Oil and Gas “Gubkin University” (Moscow, Russia), karimov.m@gubkin.ru
S.L. Kostikov, PJSC Gazprom (Saint Petersburg, Russia), S.Kostikov@adm.gazprom.ru
I.A. Safonov, Gazprom UGS LLC (Saint Petersburg, Russia), phg@phg.gazprom.ru
R.S. Nikitin, Gazprom UGS LLC, R.Nikitin@phg.gazprom.ru
A.V. Pankratov, Kasimov UGS Department, branch of Gazprom UGS LLC (Kasimov, Russia),
L.M. Mullagalieva, PhD in Engineering, National University of Oil and Gas “Gubkin University”, nenej@mail.ru
R.R. Ibragimov, National University of Oil and Gas “Gubkin University”, iruslan_87@mail.ru
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