УДК 539.4::622.691.4
(UDK 539.4::622.691.4)
Operation experience shows that design of underground main pipeline exposed to functional loads (internal pressure of the carried medium, temperature variations) and the loads caused by surrounding soil shall be based on the analysis of pipe wall local stability. However, available standards and scientific engineering literature provide the criteria of the critical strain at local instability that vary considerably and are inconsistent with the experimental data.
The article reviews the available criteria of local stability in the shape of cylindrical steel shell cross-section applied in local stability analyses of main pipelines under bending. An appropriate computational model was developed. Computational simulation of local instability under bending was performed for a wide range of pipe specifications and loading conditions.
Based on the obtained results, the author formulated the criterion of pipe wall local instability under bending loads and clarified the established dependencies. The criterion was defined for the case of no internal pressure, when a pipe’s resistance to local instability is the lowest.
O.V. Trifonov, DSc in Engineering, Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC (Moscow, Russia), O_Trifonov@vniigaz.gazprom.ru
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