УДК 614.8.013::621.644-049.32
(UDK 614.8.013::621.644-049.32)
The necessity to ensure compliance of load handling personnel engaged in repair of linear parts of main gas pipelines with higher qualification requirements and its motivation to conduct safe and emergency-free operations gives relevance to the subject of this article. The aim of the study was to develop digital information and methodology support materials and prove their efficiency for the development of professional competences. The integrative modular approach was taken as the methodological basis. It ensures integration of various aspects that affect safety of work execution and provides modular structure to educational materials.
As a result, digital information and methodology support materials were developed to improve safety of load handling and installation operations during repair of linear parts of main gas pipelines with the use of cranes. It features a graphic constituent serving as visual information and training environment for industry specialists. It is designed as specially created virtual workplace situations that contain information about work processes and procedures, as well as the requirements of the rules, standards, and guidelines that regulate safety. The 3D modelling software package enabled the use of spatial models of objects, as well as visualization of management of load handling processes both in statics and dynamics.
It shows that the developed digital information and methodology support package is an efficient tool in training processes of various types (technical training, advanced training, toolbox talks conducted prior to high-risk operations) and directly in operations for all participants of load handling and installation processes, when it is used as an information and reference source.
M.N. Badrutdinov, PhD in Education, Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering (Kazan, Russia), badrutdinovm@gmail.com
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