This article presents an example of using the methodology outlined in the 3rd edition of API RP 581 (American Petroleum Institute, USA) to calculate the inspection interval of a pressure vessel, namely a gas condensate stabilization column of a production facility. The calculation process and the concept of determining the risk, including the maximum acceptable failure of such a vessel, are explained in detail. The authors demonstrate that the presented methodology serves as an effective tool to minimize the level of risk, reducing it to acceptable values.
The comparison of the inspection interval, determined in line with the above mentioned standard, with the requirements of federal norms and rules concluded that the calculation according to API RP 581 (3rd edition) allows to significantly improve production efficiency by reducing the equipment downtime for preparing and conducting inspections, while ensuring an acceptable level of failure risk. Thus, the application of a risk-based approach to the integrity of equipment while ensuring an appropriate regulatory framework will be an essential tool for improving the production performance in the Russian Federation.
A.V. Brikov, PhD in Engineering, Sakhalin Energy LLC (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia), alex_v_brikov@list.ru
S.I. Aleksandrovich, Arctic LNG 2 LLC (Novy Urengoy, Russia), s.aleksandrovich@arcticspg.ru
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