УДК 656.628::665.725
(UDK 656.628::665.725)
The article contains an analysis of foreign engineering and logistic solutions used in the transportation of LNG by small-scale tankers. The authors reviewed the issues arising from the use of such vessels on inland waterways of Russia, and their potential solutions. As an alternative, the authors suggest such options as modernization of “river-to-sea” class LNG tankers, installation of certain-type tanks on them, transportation of LNG by cryogenic containers, and transportation of LNG-loaded tanker trucks on barges and vessels.
Currently, all types of transport are facing an acute issue of increasing the environmental cleanliness of exhaust gases. Today, LNG is actively used in sea transport, and transition of river vessels to LNG is a global trend in the development of marine energy engineering. The engineering solution on using LNG as fuel for gas tankers will simplify fuel logistics and significantly reduce operating costs due to relatively low consumption and lower cost of liquefied gas compared to traditional marine fuels.
The authors conclude that the use of inland waterways for LNG transportation has potential; in particular, it may be advantageous to build river LNG tankers running on natural gas engine fuel and capable of delivering liquefied gas to the most remote consumers. However, this will require a significant development of infrastructure to ensure efficient river navigation (especially given the harsh conditions of the Western and Eastern Siberia), with setting up of small-scale LNG production, including using resources from small regional fields; construction of coastal stations for intake, storage, and distribution of LNG, capable of ensuring guaranteed year-round energy supply.
P.K. Kalashnikov, PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor, National University of Oil and Gas “Gubkin University” (Moscow, Russia), kpk@gubkin.pro
A.A. Fokina, National University of Oil and Gas “Gubkin University”, fokina.a@gubkin.ru
I.V. Samarin, PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor, National University of Oil and Gas “Gubkin University”, ivs@gubkin.ru
N.V. Pershin, PhD in Engineering, PJSC Gazprom (Saint Petersburg, Russia), N.Pershin@adm.gazprom.ru
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