УДК 681.518.5::621.643.053::629.55
(UDK 681.518.5::621.643.053::629.55)
Automation of various processes with new-generation digital technologies is currently one of the main global trends. Robotic tools are broadly used for remote diagnostic of facilities in numerous industries. Diagnostic of underwater pipeline sections is one of the key fields of robotics development. In virtually all cases diagnostics is performed with diver, instrumental, and visual evaluation of technical state of main gas pipeline passages with clarification of parameters: stripping, sagging, and insufficient bottom penetration. Methods involving diver work are sub-optimal since they are expensive and pose a significant risk for engineer divers that perform such evaluation. Mobile robotic solutions can eliminate these risks and reduce diagnostic costs. It should be noted that open sources provide less detailed information on diagnostic autonomous watercraft development projects implemented by leading petroleum companies. Existing solutions used to diagnose underwater pipelines in sea areas have a number of deficiencies.
The article describes the main problems of using robotic solutions for diagnostics of the underwater sections of gas pipelines in fluvial water areas. It contains a brief overview of concepts and diagnostic methods applied throughout the world and hardware-software solutions that are present in the Russian market. Main results of the analysis include most promising areas of development for robotic floating platforms with the required functionality for diagnostics of main gas pipelines underwater passages at fluvial water areas in Central Russia.
I.V. Lubkova, PhD in Engineering, PJSC Gazprom (Saint Petersburg, Russia), I.Lubkova@adm.gazprom.ru
A.V. Kulakov, PJSC Gazprom, A.Kulakov@adm.gazprom.ru
R.E. Shepelev, PhD in Economics, PJSC Gazprom, R.Shepelev@adm.gazprom.ru
R.R. Usmanov, PhD in Engineering, Gazprom transgaz Kazan LLC (Kazan, Russia), info@tattg.gazprom.ru
M.V. Chuchkalov, DSc in Engineering, Gazprom transgaz Kazan LLC, mv-chuchkalov@tattg.gazprom.ru
K.M. Shashkina, Innopolis University (Innopolis, Russia), university@innopolis.ru
I.I. Abdulov, Innopolis University, university@innopolis.ru
D.A. Kolesnichenko, Innopolis University, university@innopolis.ru
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