УДК 621.51:622.691.4
(UDK 621.51:622.691.4)
Negative environmental impact of production processes and unavoidable process losses of gas (from line equipment, as well as area facilities of main gas pipelines) when using the conventional technology of venting prior to repairs of pipelines, compressor shops, and gas distribution stations or shutdowns of gas compressor units, is a significant challenge for the industry. The existing methods of product gas retention partially ensure reduction of its operational losses, though they have certain serious disadvantages. There are no resource-saving technologies equally effective both for the linear part of the main gas pipelines and for compressor and gas distribution stations, characterized by minimal manufacturing costs and being maintenance-free.
The iterative gas-dynamic calculations and optimization of the flow path using up-to-date analytical and numerical simulation methods provide the geometric parameters of the ejector. On this basis, a unique technology was designed, which was then implemented for the first time in PJSC Gazprom. It proved under field conditions that up to 85 % of the gas previously vented to the atmosphere during scheduled maintenance and repairs could be retained. This technology is proven to offer numerous advantages due to its simple design, unification, mobility, low steel intensity and cost, as well as the lack of need for consumables and special maintenance. The long-term practical value of the development is confirmed by the letter of the PJSC Gazprom Department (O.E. Aksyutin) about its inclusion into the “Register of innovative products for use at Gazprom”, as well as the program of its large-scale application at the company’s compressor stations, adopted by the PJSC Gazprom Department (V.A. Mikhalenko). Calculations show that the project payback period does not exceed three years. Moreover, the efficiency continues with further production cycles on the equipment of compressor shops of the Arskaya compressor station.
A.G. Ishkov, DSc in Chemistry, Professor, PJSC Gazprom (Saint Petersburg, Russia), A.Ishkov@adm.gazprom.ru
A.N. Bronnikov, PJSC Gazprom, A.N.Bronnikov@adm.gazprom.ru
M.M. Krutchinin, PJSC Gazprom, M.Krutchinin@adm.gazprom.ru
R.R. Usmanov, PhD in Engineering, Gazprom transgaz Kazan LLC (Kazan, Russia), info@tattg.gazprom.ru
M.V. Chuchkalov, DSc in Engineering, Gazprom transgaz Kazan LLC, mv-chuchkalov@tattg.gazprom.ru
R.Kh. Salyahov, Gazprom transgaz Kazan LLC, r-salyahov@tattg.gazprom.ru
A.V. Sorvachev, Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC (Moscow, Russia), tu-4@yandex.ru
D.M. Lyapichev, PhD in Engineering, Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC, lyapichev.d@gubkin.ru
A.S. Lopatin, DSc in Engineering, Professor, National University of Oil and Gas “Gubkin University” (Moscow, Russia), lopatin@gubkin.ru
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