The paper covers the issues of industrial environmental monitoring of protection measures and use of surface and underground water bodies within the Orenburg gas production complex. This topic is relevant due to the need to maintain the required quality of drinking and domestic water in the zone of influence of production facilities of Gazprom dobycha Orenburg LLC, as well as to obtain reliable information for further analysis and timely identification of negative technogenic impacts.
Water has been sampled since 2002 in the Ural River and its tributaries, floodplain oxbow lakes, artificial ponds, groundwater intakes, and drinking water wells. In addition, wastewater and groundwater from monitoring wells at the filtration areas of Gazprom dobycha Orenburg LLC gas production department were analyzed.
Many years of research show no hydrogen sulfide and methanol in any water samples. The low content of petroleum products, phosphates, and heavy metals in most samples indicates that there are no environmental changes in the zone of oil and gas field impact on surface water bodies and groundwater of the upper aquifer.
O.A. Nikolaev, Gazprom dobycha Orenburg LLC (Orenburg, Russia), o.nikolaev@gdo.gazprom.ru
P.N. Larev, Gazprom dobycha Orenburg LLC, p.laryov@gdo.gazprom.ru
T.V. Lebedjanceva, Gazprom dobycha Orenburg LLC, t.lebedjanceva@gdo.gazprom.ru
A.A. Shayhutdinova, Gazprom dobycha Orenburg LLC, a.shayhutdinova@gdo.gazprom.ru
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