УДК 34.08/.09:004.056
(UDK 34.08/.09:004.056)
The article summarizes the main aspects of the requirements set out in the EU for the protection of personal data, including the requirements for one of the special roles, namely data protection officers. The issue of the proper legal provision of an adequate level of personal data protection is now equally important and recent, especially in view of the occurrence of complex risks, and this is recognized in the papers of Russian and foreign experts.
This article presents the detailed analysis of the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 “On the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation)”. It sets out the authors’ view of the compliance issue in a broad interpretation, including taking into account the requirements of the new ISO/IEC standards adopted in 2022, in which the obligation to ensure the protection of valuable company data (including personal data) is explicitly defined.
A comprehensive approach to solving this issue is presented: the application of the institution of data protection officers and the requirements of modern ISO/IEC standards in the activities of oil and gas holding companies. The materials of this article can be applied in practice for companies communicating with European partners and seeking to comply strictly with personal data protection requirements.
A.S. Oreshkina, Gazprom International Limited (Kaliningrad, Russia), legalexpert2012@yandex.ru
I.I. Livshits, DSc in Engineering, Professor, ITMO University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), Livshitz.il@yandex.ru
E.O. Sokolov, ITMO University, Gazprom International Limited
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