Oil and gas industry companies are the most likely to come across with man-made emergencies caused by oil spills, resulting in significant damage to human health and the environment, and disrupting human life conditions. The experience of carrying out rescue and other emergency operations in such cases shows that it is often not sufficient to use only mechanical and physical and chemical methods for emergency remediation. Biological methods are also required to eliminate the characteristic hazards of oil spills.
The review of public sources shows that current emergency response facilities and corresponding technologies suffer from such limitations as low elimination efficiency such hazardous factor as oil product spill on soil with a residual concentration exceeding 5 wt. %, as well as the need to collect and dispose waste products, including sorbents, after the response activities.
The article presents experimental studies of the raw peat materials’ oil capacity (as peat and sapropel from different companies) for production of biosorbents (sorbents) used mitigation of emergencies caused by oil product spills. Influence of humidity, grain size, and hydrophobicity of peat on its oil capacity is demonstrated herein, as well as the peat particle size – on the oil absorption time. The authors used the experiment design method to obtain a mathematical model for determining the oil capacity of hydrophobized peat sorbent depending on the hydrophobization parameters and justified the process mode for obtaining a peat base for the making a biosorbent (sorbent) for oil products, providing the optimal ratio between the sorbent oil capacity, hydrophobicity, and buoyancy.
A.V. Shevchenko, DSc in Engineering, Professor, Central Research Testing Institute of Engineering Troops named after Hero of the Soviet Union Lieutenant General of Engineering Troops D.M. Karbyshev, Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation (Krasnogorsk, Russia), shevchenkoav@inbox.ru
V.A. Luzhkov, Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC, V_Luzhkov@vniigaz.gazprom.ru
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