УДК 667.621.6:622.323/.324
(UDK 667.621.6:622.323/.324)
One of the conditions ensuring high reliability, durability, and performance of subsea production equipment is the use of various painting systems and derivative multifunctional coating systems. The article describes features and practices of using specialpurpose painting systems in subsea production of hydrocarbons. The coatings described in the paper are unique in that their film-forming system incorporates partially or fully fluorinated structural elements.
Summarized overview of domestic and foreign products provides the general presentation of the available materials range. For Xylan coatings, series 10ХХ and 14XX (PPG Industries, Inc.), commonly used for subsea production equipment, the paper lists and details key features that make these coatings so effective and unique for offshore field development conditions. In order to give an idea of the technology of using the foreign materials the paper provides a description of the coating application process and subsequent quality control.
The authors conclude that it is necessary to develop valid and commercially viable domestic equivalents of these materials, and that it is very important to ensure productive cooperation of the specialists of unrelated fields of scientific knowledge. The authors also note that there is potential and opportunities for development of domestic materials, and that commercial production of these materials should enhance the independence of Russian subsea production technologies from foreign manufacturers. The analysis conducted by the authors is further used to state actual challenges and their solutions.
M.V. Korobchuk, PhD in Engineering, Gazprom 335 LLC (Saint Petersburg, Russia), korobchuk.mv@gazprom335.ru
A.S. Drinberg, DSc in Engineering, Saint Petersburg State Institute of Technology (Saint Petersburg, Russia), drinberg@mail.ru
V.A. Yakhimovich, Saint Petersburg State Institute of Technology, valera_spb@inbox.ru
A.V. Tokarev, MAOK LLC (Saint Petersburg, Russia), office@maok.spb.ru
K.V. Frolov, Gazprom 335 LLC, k.frolov@gazprom335.ru
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