УДК 628.517.2::622.691.4
(UDK 628.517.2::622.691.4)
For process reasons, supercharger process piping is located on the high side of compressor yards, above ground. This piping is one of the three main noise sources on the territories of main gas pipeline compressor stations. The noise level reaches 90–100 dBA and more within 1 m from the pipelines and 85–87 dBA at the stations, which entails adverse working conditions for the maintenance staff. This explains the relevance of developing noise control methods for gas transportation equipment.
The algorithm created by Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC involves using low-noise natural gas superchargers with a simultaneous elaboration of smooth piping turns, installation of in-pipe noise killers, and soundproofing pipeline surfaces. For various reasons, including technological complications and high costs, the first two ways are either not used or very limited, whereas acoustic gas pipeline coatings have become widespread.
The analysis within this study revealed that the significant downside of soundproofing structures is the high probability of pipeline corrosion defect formation underneath them. Although some foreign companies have developed special protective coatings to address the issue, the latest sanctions have limited such products’ supply to Russia. Therefore, a domestic moistureresistant multi-layered coating has been developed for the first time. This coating is already implemented successfully to protect pipeline heat insulation. Now, it serves as a basis for a novel soundproofing structure made exclusively from Russian materials.
The article considers the composition of the moisture-resistant coating, its characteristics, implementation prospects, and requirements for the novel domestic soundproofing structure.
А.Л. Терехов, д.т.н., проф., ООО «Газпром ВНИИГАЗ» (Москва, Россия), A_Terekhov@vniigaz.gazprom.ru
A.L. Terekhov, DSc in Engineering, Professor, Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC (Moscow, Russia), A_Terekhov@vniigaz.gazprom.ru
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