There are more than 350 thousand natural gas pressure regulating stations in Russia. At the same time, there are about 3.8 thousand large gas distribution stations supporting transfer from main pipelines to gas distribution systems. Throttle valves reduce pressure at pressure regulating stations. They serve as local baffles to the flow, and dissipate pressure energy. Pursuant to the Joule – Thomson effect, followed by decrease in pressure, the temperature drops, too. This may cause freezing-up of pipeline valves and accumulation of gas hydrates. Gas distribution stations use preheating to keep the natural gas temperature above its dew point, and to avoid such negative effects. As a result, double energy costs occur: firstly, energy previously supplied to the gas flow by main gas pipeline pumps is irreversibly lost, and secondly, additional energy is supplied to restore thermal conditions.
Energy separation is a perspective way to convert pressure energy into thermal energy. The paper summarizes the existing methods and reviews the possibilities of the Hartmann – Sprenger effect to achieve quasi-isothermal pressure reduction in natural gas at gas transmission facilities. We have reviewed recommendations of foreign and Russian authors, and suggested a model of quasi-isothermal pressure control unit that is based on mixing the flows after energy separation. The results of these studies suppose it is possible to implement the quasi-isothermal natural gas pressure control unit based on the Hartmann – Sprenger effect. For this purpose, it is necessary to consider a number of design aspects, as well as follow the recommendations outlined in previous publications and provided in this article.
A.Е. Belousov, PhD in Engineering, Saint Petersburg Mining University (Saint Petersburg, Russia), artembelousovevg@yandex.ru
M.V. Dvoynikov, DSc in Engineering, Professor, Saint Petersburg Mining University, dvoinik72@gmail.com
K.S. Kupavykh, PhD in Engineering, Saint Petersburg Mining University, kypavih@yandex.ru
V.S. Bushuev, Saint Petersburg Mining University, bushuevvtly@gmail.com
A.O. Shvets, Saint Petersburg Mining University, schvetzaleksey@gmail.com
Е.S. Ovchinnikov, Saint Petersburg Mining University, egor.owchinnikov@yandex.ru
Ya. Tyan, Saint Petersburg Mining University, yan_ukg@mail.ru
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