УДК 544.537:622.324.5
(UDK 544.537:622.324.5)
Vertical methane flow containing sand solids of variable grading was simulated in the laboratory environment. The criterion parameters of emission at a wavelength of 1.07 μm were calculated and experimentally verified for an output power of 1 kW in respect to the continuous-wave ytterbium fibre laser, as well as the emission exposure time enabling stable ignition of the methane-air mixture generated by heated sand particles in the laser emission field. Motion record of ignition propagation process is presented for gas-air mixture in the laboratory environment. Estimated results of the temperature criterion for gas mixture ignition, the time of emission exposure required to achieve this criterion, as well as the correlation between velocity of variously-sized particles and their height in the flow of methane-air mixture are presented. Distributions of methane volume fraction both in the gas flow of the actual blowing out gas well and in the area of potential ignition are shown. Estimated distributions of methane volume fraction and velocities of variously-sized particles along the gas flow axis of the actual blowing out gas well at 1.5 . 106 m3/day (about 17 m3/s) gas flow rate are provided. Angular scanning rate was determined for laser emission from a safe distance, which is necessary to keep the particles of the highest velocity in the laser emission field for the time required to ignite the methane-air mixture. The basic performance data were specified for a special-purpose portable laser station suitable for remote laser ignition of accidental uncontrolled blowout from a gas well.
S.V. Gvozdev, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, JSC State Research Center of the Russian Federation Troitsk Institute for Innovation and Fusion Research (Troitsk, Russia), gsv@triniti.ru
V.Yu. Dubrovskii, JSC State Research Center of the Russian Federation Troitsk Institute for Innovation and Fusion Research, dubrov@triniti.ru
A.G. Krasyukov, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, JSC State Research Center of the Russian Federation Troitsk Institute for Innovation and Fusion Research, krasukov@triniti.ru
R.E. Romanov, JSC State Research Center of the Russian Federation Troitsk Institute for Innovation and Fusion Research, romanov@triniti.ru
D.D. Metlyaev, JSC State Research Center of the Russian Federation Troitsk Institute for Innovation and Fusion Research, metlyaev@triniti.ru
A.Yu. Lysikov, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, JSC State Research Center of the Russian Federation Troitsk Institute for Innovation and Fusion Research, lysikov@triniti.ru
V.C. Roerich, JSC State Research Center of the Russian Federation Troitsk Institute for Innovation and Fusion Research, bumpepux@triniti.ru
G.V. Smirnov, JSC State Research Center of the Russian Federation Troitsk Institute for Innovation and Fusion Research, smirgen@triniti.ru
M.D. Taran, DSc in Physics and Mathematics, JSC State Research Center of the Russian Federation Troitsk Institute for Innovation and Fusion Research, taran@triniti.ru
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