УДК 620.178.1:622.276.054.22
(UDK 620.178.1:622.276.054.22)
The article describes methodology, design and operating principle of the test bench for comparative wear resistance tests of ‘plunger-cylinder’ pairs of downhole sucker-rod pumps. Some results of bench tests of different sucker-rod pump designs in which different types of working body materials and plunger and cylinder surface hardening methods were used are presented. By means of a special technique the leakage volumes of new and worn pairs ‘plunger-cylinder’ were determined; the actual leakage volumes were compared with the calculations using the known mathematical relationship. The received results allow us to make a conclusion about inapplicability of method of leakage value determination using formulas and dependences produced in the middle of ХХ century and used up to date for calculations and equipment selection for sucker-rod operation of oil wells. In addition, it is concluded that it is possible to determine the area of effective use of downhole sucker-rod pumps of different design depending on operating conditions on the basis of bench tests results.
В.Н. Ивановский1, e-mail: ivanovskiyvn@yandex.ru
А.А. Сабиров1, e-mail: albert_sabirov@mail.ru
Т.Р. Долов1, e-mail: dolovtemir@yandex.ru
Р.М. Шайхулов1, e-mail: ruslan.shajhulov96@mail.ru
С.Б. Якимов 2
Р.Е. Ирмашев3, e-mail: irmashevre@bnipi.rosneft.ru
А.А. Клусов4, e-mail: aaklusov@ceptr.rosneft.ru
1 Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Российский государственный университет нефти и газа (Национальный исследовательский университет) имени И.М. Губкина» (Москва, Россия).
2 ПАО «НК «Роснефть» (Москва, Россия).
3 ООО «РН-БашНИПИнефть» (Уфа, Россия).
4 ООО «РН-ЦЭПиТР» (Тюмень, Россия).
V.N. Ivanovskiy1, e-mail: ivanovskiyvn@yandex.ru
A.A. Sabirov1, e-mail: albert_sabirov@mail.ru
T.R. Dolov1, e-mail: dolovtemir@yandex.ru
R.M. Shaikhulov1, e-mail: ruslan.shajhulov96@mail.ru
S.B. Yakimov 2
R.E. Irmashev3, e-mail: irmashevre@bnipi.rosneft.ru
A.A. Klusov4, e-mail: aaklusov@ceptr.rosneft.ru
1 Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution for Higher Education “Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University)” (Moscow, Russia).
2 Rosneft PJSC (Moscow, Russia).
3 RN-BashNIPIneft LLC (Ufa, Russia).
4 RN-Centre for Expert Support and Technical Development LLC (Tyumen, Russia).
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