The article reconsiders historic data on West Siberia pre-Jurassic hydrocarbon complex (PJC). Review covers exploration maturity and hydrocarbon potential in terms of naphtidogenesis depth model. The study describes ‘PJC paradox’, meaning that despite poor overall performance of prospecting (8 %), the said complex is found productive in every field covered by extensive drilling. This is testimonial to intricate structure of oil and gas deposits within PJC and their reduced mapability by geophysical data. Judging by numerous oil and gas shows in Pre-Jurassic formations along the flanking of West Siberian Basin it is safe to assume that in the heart of the basin PJC deliverability will be higher than current estimates. It is pointed out that PJC hydrocarbon potential corroborates the validity of ‘Kudryavtsev’s Rule’ holding that any deeper reservoir is bound to have hydrocarbon accumulations or showings reflecting vertical migration of hydrocarbons. The paper advances arguments against downward migration of oil from sedimentary cover into basement (hard-to-recover gaseous-liquid inclusions containing hydrocarbons); describes microfossil occurrences (Paleozoic and Triassic spores, pollen, acritarchs) verifying independent PJC hydrocarbon potential and large-scale vertical migration of hydrocarbons. The authors propose the concept of ‘intermediate holding reservoir’ according to which ancient weathering layers within PJC have been and still are the receptacles of initial oil and gas deposits, then some of which translocated to sedimentary cover while the other part survived within bedrock. Thus promising exploration trends for major oil and gas accumulations within PJC are defined accordingly.
А.S. Smirnov1, e-mail: smirnovas@tyuiu.ru
А.А. Nezhdanov2, e-mail:nezhdanovaa@zsniigg.ru
V.V. Ogibenin2, e-mail: ogibeninvv@ zsniigg.ru
А.V. Trigub2, e-mail: trigubav@ zsniigg.ru
1 Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “Industrial University of Tyumen” – IUT (Tyumen, Russia).
2 Federal Autonomous Institution "West Siberian Research Institute of Geology and Geophysics" (ZapSibNIIGG) (Tyumen, Russia).
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