УДК 622.691.4.07+621.644.07
(UDK 622.691.4.07+621.644.07)
The organization of pipe storage in base and line conditions depends on location, time and conditions of storage, range of pipe products, availability and type of protective coating and is linked to production capabilities and availability of financing. The requirements to storage conditions, which are specified in departmental and national documents, are being improved in stages as experience is gained and logistical capabilities are developed. To date, protection against UV radiation is not mandatorily provided by current all-Russian normative documents, regulating rules of factory coated pipes storage.
The paper analyses basic industry documents containing requirements to storage, inspection and repair of polyethylene pipe coatings. It presents the results of laboratory tests carried out at Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC of polyethylene pipe coatings stored at open-air sites for 3-12 years in Northern, Central and Southern regions. The classification of the ultraviolet radiation hazard level depending on its intensity, geographical and topographic factors is given. Recommendations for protection of polyethylene coatings against UV radiation when storing pipes in open areas are given.
E.V. Petrusenko1, e-mail: E_Petrusenko@vniigaz.gazprom.ru;
P.V. Golivkin1, e-mail: P_Golivkin@vniigaz.gazprom.ru;
A.E. Zaitsev1, e-mail: A_Zaytsev@vniigaz.gazprom.ru
1 Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC (Moscow, Russia).
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